- All player requests to add a player to the substitution list are to be sent to the league main email address of roseniorhockey@gmail.com
- The requested player's name, phone number, email address and USA Hockey registration confirmation are required information.
- If only a telephone number has been provided, then the league will call the player to obtain the missing required information.
- USA Hockey registration confirmation information will be forwarded from the league main email address roseniorhockey@gmail.com to the roseniors.signup@gmail.com address by the president or the league registrar.
- Once the email is forwarded to roseniors.signup@gmail.com,the league registrar will enter the player's confirmation number to our league roster at USA Hockey (this is mandatory, per USA Hockey, it is not OK to just have the number on file).
- Once USA Hockey has confirmed the addition of the new player to the league roster, the league registrar will forward that information, along with any relevant contact information to the substitution officer and a copy (cc) to roseniorhockey@gmail.com
- The substitution officer will update the substitution list and send out a revised version weekly (as required), preferably by Wednesday, to allow time for captains to call substitute players for the upcoming week.